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Week 7 Activities

Page history last edited by Sandra Annette Rogers 13 years, 6 months ago



Directions: This week we will play two new American games: Password and Spelling Bee.  For Password, you will look at the vocabulary and guess which word that I am describing.  For the Spelling Bee competition, you will have to say the spelling of the words; the person who spells it correctly the first time wins.



Debriefings on Activities


Directions: Please answer these questions in class during our discussion.  Otherwise, send me an email, or respond at the bottom of this wiki with your comments.  Your feedback is very important!  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


  1. How do you like the guest speakers?
  2. How often do you visit the wiki outside of class time?
  3. How did you like the older videos and activities on Wednesdays and Fridays?
  4. How do you like the student project?
  5. Do you repeat each word after Mrs. Rogers in the audio files?
  6. Are you improving your listening skills?
  7. Are you learning new words?
  8. Do you have any concerns?





We are going to listen to a conversation between a boy and his mother from National Public Radio (NPR) from StoryCorps.  The boy has a special disability called autism.  We will discuss the topic and the conversation.



  1. Has the mother ever lied to her son?
  2. Why does the boy think his sister, Amy, is better than he is?
  3. What age is the boy? What grade is he in?
  4. Why is the woman lucky to have him as a son?
  5. Who is the mom's worst enemy?
  6. What does the phrase, "think outside-the-box," mean?





2. Topic: Food. We are going to watch a video from New Interchange (Jack Richards, 2002) in class and actively follow the dialogue.  Then we will answer some questions and fill in some cloze exercises, so listen carefully.   (Offline)


3. Topic: Eating Out. We are going to watch a video from New Interchange (Jack Richards, 2002) in class and actively follow the dialogue.  Then we will answer some questions and fill in some cloze exercises, so listen carefully.   (Offline)


Guest Speaker: Brittany Williams, ELC Tutor, will talk to you on Thursday at 9:30.  She is a new tutor and has a sign-in sheet in the office.


Homework: Listen to all the resources on the Listening Tools Page and take the survey on SurveyMonkey.com.


Let's view the results of the survey.


Vocabulary Listening Test!


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