Student Work
Directions: This page is for you to play around with the wiki and try your hand at uploading material or writing content. Your status as a member of this wiki has been changed from "reader" to "writer." You may add what you want but please be courteous of other students' work. Remember the rules of Netiquette apply on this page, too. If you need help, refer to the training manual page. The "Comments" column is for your thoughts and ideas. The "Feedback" column is for the students to respond to your mini-project. Have fun!
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Ji Hye
Hi everybody~ ^^
I'm Jihye!!
Introduce my favorite group in my country...In South Korea.
This group called a "2PM".
Listen to this. It is very sad story about love that the man isn't fotgot first lover.
So, main title is "heartbeat."
Fisal Albishi
Faisal Alromaih
Hi All. I would like to share with you one of my favorite videos on youtube. Hope you find it interesting. Please feel free to share your thoughts about it.
Also, I would like to share with you the announcement by Apple about the iPhone 4 release. Hope you like the technology that make our life easier. The article is on, dated today, Thursday Jun, 24, 2010. Here is the hot link to the article.
wael : this is my favorite art i hope you like it.
she is from UKRAINE her life story makes me trying to be better than the bast .
pay the way her name is KSENIYA. injoy
Comments (6)
Sandra Annette Rogers said
at 6:36 am on Jun 24, 2010
Hi Abdullah,
The golden ages indeed!
your teacher,
Mrs. Rogers
Sultan said
at 10:07 am on Jun 30, 2010
thank you everyone,
I appreciate your work.
Sandra Annette Rogers said
at 6:49 am on Jul 2, 2010
I saw that lady do the sand art before! She is amazing!!! Isn't the Internet a wonderful thing, in that it allows us to see the art and dreams of people all over the world. Thanks for sharing :)
Mrs. Rogers
Sandra Annette Rogers said
at 10:51 pm on Jul 7, 2010
Good job students!
Mrs. Rogers
Sultan said
at 8:16 pm on Jul 14, 2010
I hope everyone continue to participate.
Thank you back to Mrs. Rogers.
Sandra Annette Rogers said
at 9:11 pm on Jul 20, 2010
I really like your reading video. It's perfect for students!!!!
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