Podcast Project : How to Upload a Media file to PodBean.com
Purpose: Learn how to use technology to publish a podcast channel for sharing your oral language projects, voice journaling (live diaries), and for personal or professional interests.
Learning objective: Learn how to upload a media file to publish a public podcast channel. See the rubric to learn about the specific criteria to master this task.
Directions: Your teacher will provide you with the documents highlighted in blue. The live links are highlighted in yellow. You can access those directly from this page. Your teacher will guide you through the first learning event, which is the preinstructional activities, so she can learn about your background knowledge (what you already know for this task) and your understanding of the vocabulary used in this project.
Learning Events |
Task 1 |
Task 2 |
Task 3
Task 4 |
A. Prepare
1. Answer the questionnaire:
Student Interest & Skill Survey
2. Take a test. Match the vocabulary with the definition without any type of assistance.
Vocabulary Pretest
3. Watch the vocabulary PowerPoint presentation with a headset to hear the pronunciation, as well as learn the technical terms for this lesson.
Vocabulary PowerPoint Preview Lesson
You can view the pre-
sentation multiple times.
B. Share your background knowledge
KWL Chart Column 1:
1. What do you know about podcasting? Write your answer in the first column
KWL= Kwow, Want to Know, and Learn
KWL Chart Column 2:
2.A. What do you want to know about podcasting? Write your answer in the second column.
2.B. View the Informational Video from Lee LeFever of CommonCraft:
Podcasting in Plain English
3. Listen to an examples of podcasts on any Podbean.com channel. Which one did you like? Why?
KWL Chart Column 3:
4. A. What did you learn about podcasting? Write down your answers in the third column.
4. B. Share your KWL notes with a classmate. (Pair share)
C. Instructions
1. View the demonstration screencast of how to upload an audio file to Podbean.com to create a podcast channel:
You can view the screencast demonstration multiple times.
D.Apply What You Learned
1. Use the How-to Guide to Upload a Podcast:
How to Upload a Podcast on Podbean
Follow the instructions to create a user account on PodBean.com & upload an audio file to your channel. Go to this URL to get started:
2. Send the link to your podcast channel to your teacher and at least one student in the class.
3. A. Use the checklist for peer review. Look at a classmate's Podcast account to verify they completed all of the tasks.
3. B. Help your classmate if they have difficulty with a step in the process.
3. C. Give the completed checklist to your teacher.
4. Use your classmate's feedback to correct any missing items or mistakes.
E. Evaluation
1. Use the rubric to evaluate your own project.
2. The teacher will use the rubric to evaluate your podcast project and provide you with feedback.
3. Visit this link to provide the instructional designer with anonymous feedback on this project please:
4. Take the vocabulary Posttest to see if your vocabulary knowledge of technical terminology increased.
*Please leave me a comment below if you have a question about the documents and wiki.
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